Andasibe Weather in June
Season: Dry Season
In Short: cool temperature, a little rainfall, dry
The weather of Andasibe in June can be described as cool and dry. The average monthly precipitation, according to previous statistics, is low at 30mm this month and mainly falls in about 7 days. The humidity is around 78%. As for the temperature in June, it varies from 10-22°C (50-71.6°F). There’s obvious temperature difference between daytime and night. At night, the temperature can drop quite low, especially in wild reserves.
Dry season in Andasibe is the winter time, as well. So the daytime in in June is getting shorter. Sun usually rises at 6:09 and falls at 17:17. The average daytime is around 11 hours. But it’s still enough for a whole-day visit.
See also: Madagascar Weather in June
Lively Local Marcet of Andasibe
Best Visit Time for Budget Travelers:
June is not the peak season in Andasibe, so the accommodations and plane tickets are not as expensive as in peak season of July and August. Besides, climate in June is visitor-friendly, without too much rainfall and neither hot nor too cold.
What to Wear and Take to Visit Andasibe in June:
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You also need a sun hat or a cap to escape from direct sun rays. Take a raincoat with you, as well. What’s more, effective mosquito repellent and anti-itch cream can be very helpful when in the humid jungles.
Best Things to Do in Andasibe in June, 2025:
Recommendation Rate:
1. Hike in the Rainforest
Countless endemic flora and fauna live in the vast and well-protected rainforests of Andasibe. June is relatively dry so the dirt roads inside the reserves are much easier to walk on. The roads leading to the rainforests are good, as well. Andaisbe has always been a wonderland for local species, however, the night tour is less known. At night, many nocturnal animals such as some dwarf lemurs and bats will show up.
Hiking in the Rainforest
2. Famadihana
Famadihana is a unique festival in Madagascar, which is popular among islanders in the central lands. In surroundings of capital Antananarivo including Andasibe, lives people who accept and hold this festival. Three to seven years after their family members died, they dig out the bodies, wrap them with new shrouds and dance and sing. Malagasy people believe this is the way to connect with passed families and pay tribute to them. It’s possible to see this ritual if you visit Andasibe village in June, 2025.
3. Celebrate Independence Day with Locals
Independence Day in Madagascar is a national holiday for all, falling on June 26th. In the year of 1960, Madagascar officially declared independence from France. After that, every year on this day, Malagasies come to the streets and enjoy cultural ceremonies and performances.
June Weather for Other Destinations in Madagascar:
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