About Russian Train E-ticket
Nowadays, booking train tickets online has become a general choice for people all over the world, the reason why is that it is a good way to grab tickets at the earliest ticket releasing time. After paying for a ticket online or for a travel agency, you will receive a confirmation email with E-ticket. There are two types of Russia train E-tickets service provided by the Russian Railway. Most of E-tickets are with registration, while some without registration, which depends on the different train routes.Russia Train E-ticket with Registration
E-ticket with registration means your ticket is already valid and confirmed, so you just need to take your passport and show the E-ticket to board the train. You can show the E-ticket on your smartphone or on a print-out, but normally printing the E-ticket out is mostly suggested by railway staff. Both Russian and English are written on E-ticket, you can see the name of departure/arrival stations, train number, train time, ticket fare and other basic information on it.In addition, if you want to keep a paper ticket in memory of this trip, you can also exchange to a traditional paper ticket at the ticket window or a ticket machine with E-ticket. However, please note your original E-ticket will become invalid after exchanging to a paper ticket.
Russia Train E-ticket with registration are applied extensively. Most of inter-cities routes in Russia and some international routes support E-tickets with registration.
Russia train E-ticket without Registration
Like the first kind of E-ticket, E-tickets without registration are also received by emails, but they cannot be recognized when you board the train. Before boarding the train, you have to exchange for a physical ticket by showing your passport and the 14-digit number on E-ticket. It is convenient for people to do that, since there are many places available for exchanging physical tickets, such as a ticket office or an exchanging point at railway station. In order to guarantee your trip, even though it only needs a few minutes to exchange the physical tickets, travelers are still suggested to reach the railway station as early as possible in case of meeting a long queue.Very few domestic routes and some international routes between Russia-Uzbekistan and Russia-Ukraine use E-ticket without registration.
Wating to Board the Train