Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Goa
Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Goa was established in the early 17th century, it is based in St Monica and also known as the Royal Monastery. A wildfire broke two decades after the construction, and it destroyed everything in the church and was rebuilt after 15 years. The new constructions were specially done for the nuns in the state. For such a thoughtful step of reconstruction, the place was known as the first nunnery of the east side and there were around 150 nuns. However, the nunnery was closed in the year 1885 after the last nun passed away and the attraction since then just functions as a church and institute for the nuns.Quick Glance
Distance (From Kadamba Bus Terminus): 8.6km (5.3mi), commonly visited from Basilica of Bom Jesus
Trip Duration (From Basilica of Bom Jesus, Including Travel): 30 minutes - 1 hour
Transportation Options: Cab / Auto / Walk/Trek / Rental Bike
Place Location: Near Basilica of Bom Jesus
Travel Tips:
If you are visiting Goa for the first time, then it’s important to keep a few details into consideration.
• Take public transport• Wear comfortable shoes
• Drive a two-wheeler
• Enjoy the Goan food
• Be careful while traveling at night
• Respect the culture and religion in Goa
Now that you have surface information about this place, here are some details about the Church.
The Convent of Our Lady of the Rosary Church
The convent is dedicated to the nuns and it’s also called the Royal Monastery. The church along with the monastery is dedicated to St. Mary. The present building has Mater Dei Institute for nuns inaugurated in the year 1964. A few other details about this place will help you explore the location better. The back story of a structure will make your visit even more interesting. Take a verbal tour with the help of some architecture details.
• Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Goa houses an architecture which is an amalgamation of the Corinthian, Tuscan, and some composite style. • There are three solid buttresses constructed and they were later added in the structure. The façade of the church has around two frames made with basalt frames.
• The façade represents the statue of Santa Monica along with the symbol of the Holy Ghost.
• The door of Our Lady of the Rosary Church is made up of granite carvings of the caravels. These carvings represent a structure that is small and strangely maneuverable with a dragon and Portuguese sailing ships.
• The facade also consists of the carvings which represent a symbol of Eucharist, Holy Ghost, and Pascal Lamb.
• Surprisingly, the convent is quadrangular in shape. The structure consists of three storeys which are surrounded by a courtyard known as Vale de Lirios.
• The walls inside the church are strong and have solid construction. The relative strength of the walls are strong enough to set an example around the area. The stories of its strength are famous and it is also used as an example.
Interior inside the Church
The interior of Goa Our Lady of the Rosary Church contains around eight dormitories, especially for the inmates of the convent, and there were also separate dormitories for the servants. The interior of the church has a gate on the ground floor known as the Porta de Fora. These opening or the gates on the ground floor were used by the visitors to communicate with the nuns. Beyond these gates, the church also had a ‘door of closure’ of which a nun was kept in charge. The visitors had to face a strict rule of getting a written note from the Bishop if they wanted to get past those gates. Anyone violating the rules were instantly taken into account. The interior of the church of the weeping cross has a very composite style of architecture. One of the famous stories about this image of Christ is that it is believed to have wept blood. The image was previously in the choir loft but now holds a prestigious position in the nave of the church. The main altar inside the church is brilliantly divided into three different sections.
• The first section has a statue of St. Augustine, surrounded by St. Ambrosius and St. Thomas of Vila Nova.
• The second section consists of the statue of the St. Monica with other two statues of St. Melania, and St. Rita.
• The last and the third section have a depiction of Calvary with the Saints Peter and Paul on either side.
The pulpit itself is creatively engraved with sculptures of Our Lady of Piety, St. Augustine and two Augustinian bishops. You will find carved angels on either side of the altar.
Interesting Facts
One of the very interesting facts about the Christ Statue of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Goa is that the Christ kept on the Cross of Miracles is believed to have opened his eyes and the wound on the statue bled like it was real. This event took place on the 8th of February in 1636. The same event also took place once again after four days when the high ranking church officials visited the place. Since then, the Archdiocese of Goa celebrates this festival on 27th November. This story is forever remembered by the natives and tourists crowd the church on the day of the festival, this festival is celebrated in the honor of this miraculous event.
Since you will be visiting an incredible place like Goa, don’t leave the place without visiting some of the other surrounding attractions. Follow the travel tips and carry your camera to capture the astounding place in stills and videos.