Hanoi to Sapa Train
Hanoi to Sapa Rail Map
Basic Information of Hanoi to Sapa Train
The distance between Hanoi and Sapa is about 360km, at present, taking an overnight tourist train would be the best choice for your Sapa trip, which not only cut down one night hotel bill, also save several hours’ day time transfer. One important thing to notice is that there is no railway station in Sapa, all the trains reach at /depart from Lao Cai station. You still need to take bus or taxi to transfer between Hanoi and Sapa.
You could experience some of the best tourist express trains in Vietnam on this route, like Orient Express Train, King Express Train, Fanxipan Express Train, Livitrans Express Train, Reunification Express Train, Victoria Express Train, Chapa Express Train and so on.
From Hanoi to Sapa, there are two departures every day, one is 21:35 and the other is 22:00, the train journey takes 8-9 hours, so you will arrive Lao Cai or Sapa on the next early morning.
How to Get Sapa from Lao Cai
The distance is about 37km. You could take taxi or the public bus. Taxi costs about USD20, while the public bus only around USD2. You could take 29 seaters’ vehicle at the big square in front of Lao Cai train station. The buses operate between 05:10 and 20:15 from frequency is from 30 to 60 minutes. Working hours is from 5.10 am to 8.15 pm every day.
Railway Stations of Hanoi to Sapa Train
Hanoi: Hanoi Railway B Station
Location: A three-floor yellow building located on P Tran Qui Cap Street, two blocks to the rear of the Main Station (A Station).
Sapa: Lao Cai Railway Station
Location: Tổ 26A,, Tp. Lào Cai, Lào Cai
Hanoi to Sapa Train Schedule
(Last Updated on May 12, 2020)
Departs |
Arrives |
Train No. |
Train Type |
Ticket Fare (US$) |
21:35 |
05:30+ |
SP1 |
Orient Express |
33 - 69 |
Livitrans Express & The Pumpkin Express |
35 - 72 |
Reunification Express |
34 |
Fanxipan Express |
36 - 75 |
22:00 |
06:10+ |
SP3 |
King Express & Sapaly Express |
37 - 79 |
Reunification Express |
34 |
Victoria Express |
95 - 145 |
Chapa Express |
39 - 80 |
Laman Express |
43 - 89 |
Sapa to Hanoi to Train Schedule
(Last Updated on May 10, 2020)
Departs |
Arrives |
Train No. |
Train Type |
Ticket Fare (US$) |
20:55 |
04:32+ |
SP2 |
Reunification Express |
34 - 69 |
Livitrans Express |
34 - 72 |
The Pumpkin Express & Orient Express |
33 - 72 |
Fanxipan Express |
36 - 75 |
21:40 |
05:30+ |
SP4 |
King Express & Sapaly Express |
37 - 79 |
Reunification Express |
34 |
Victoria Express |
95 - 145 |
Chapa Express |
39 - 80 |
Laman Express |
43 - 89 |
Can I take a flight to Sapa or Lao Cai?
There is no airport at Sapa nor Lao Cai at present. And there is no directly train from Hanoi to Sapa. You need to take bus or taxi from Lao Cai to Sapa. But there is an airport plan at Lao Cai.
What are the differences between the train series?
Actually, the different train series are some fully decorated soft sleepers carriages attached to the Reunification Express trains. The high standard carriages are operated by some private railway companies. There decoration styles are different, and each company have discrepant complimentary offers like mineral water, fruit, snack, and cold & hot drinking water, beer, coffee, tea, even light breakfast and so on.What is the best overnight train/carriage from Hanoi to Sapa?
If you would like to have the best experience, you could try the VIP cabin on Sapaly, Chapa or Fanxipan carriage.