Alexandria Weather
Alexandria has a Mediterranean climate. It has four seasons in a year. Different from other types of climate, Alexandria weather is hot and dry in summer and mild and rainy in winter. The annual average rainfall is about 300mm (11.8 in). August is the hottest month and the maximum temperature is 31℃ (88℉). January and February are the coldest months with the lowest temperature being 9℃ (48℉). October to November is the best time to go to Alexandria with pleasant temperature and little rainfall. If you plan to visit Alexandria in 2025, then click our
Best Private Egypt Tours, which has trip plans including Alexandria.
7-Day Alexandria Weather Forecast
Averages for Alexandria Weather
High/Low Temperatures of Alexandria

Average Temperatures of Alexandria

Humidity Graph of Alexandria

Average Rainfall of Alexandria

Alexandria Climate - Seasons & Travel Advice
There are four seasons in Alexandria. Sandstorms are common in spring from February to April. It often has fog in winter mornings. Summer is the hottest and driest season in the year.
Spring (March - May)
The temperature is pleasant in spring. Sometimes, it is affected by sandstorms for several hours to several days. However, the impact of sandstorms is not as severe as in other cities of Egypt.
Summer (June - September)
Summer in Alexandria is the hottest season. However, compared with many other places, Alexander is cooler with the maximum temperature being 31℃ (88℉), so it is a popular summer resort in Egypt. But the ultraviolet rays is pretty strong so you should better use sunscreen before traveling outdoors.
Autumn (October - November)
Weather in Alexandria is pretty cool in the autumn. Walking slowly on the spacious Seashore Avenue and blowing fresh sea breeze makes people feel very comfortable and totally relaxed. It rarely rains during this period, therefore, the short but comfortable autumn from October to November is the peak travel season.
Winter (December - February)
The weather is pretty mild and it rains more often in winter. However, the heavy rain seldom happens. The temperature is usually between 10-20 ℃ (50-68℉). It is recommended to wear warm clothes like thin sweater, baseball jacket and long jeans. Besides, remember to bring an umbrella with you when traveling to Alexandria from December to February.